

Saturday, 1 January 2011

acetabula et calculi

Firstly, Happy New Year to all who stumble across this blog, a special mention to friends from Themagiccafe!

As you can see in my pictures above, i was a very happy Magician this Christmas after finally receiving my AMAZING Cups which were made by the street performing legend Gary Animal, also a great street wand from Tabman in the USA. I have named this 'The Wand of Truth' i'm having some fun making people hold on to this when drunk and answer my questions!

 As a result of my projectstreetshow i've had the pleasure of researching, rehearsing and perfecting a Cups and balls routine. 

I have not yet taken the routine out on the streets but it is getting there and i'm set to hit London's South Bank early spring 2011 and then to St James street, Covent Garden Summer time!

The cups and balls is a classic performance of magic with innumerable adaptations. The effect known as acetabula et calculi was performed by Roman conjurers as far back as two thousand years ago.

The most widely performed version of the effect uses three cups and three small balls.

The magician makes the balls pass through the solid bottoms of the cups, jump from cup to cup, disappear from the cup and appear in other places, or vanish from various places and reappear under the cups (sometimes under the same cup), often ending with larger objects, like fruit, or even chicks or mice, appearing under the cups. 

A typical cups and balls routine includes many of the most fundamental effects of magic, including vanishes, appearances, transpositions and substitutions. Basic skills, such as misdirection,  manual dexterity, and audience management are also essential to most cups and balls routines.

As a result, mastery of the cups and balls is considered by many as the litmus test of a good magician.

Indeed the late magic authority, John Mullholland, wrote that no less a person than Harry Houdini had expressed the opinion that no one could be considered an accomplished magician until he had mastered the Cups and Balls.

Enjoy the pics and il try and get some videos up soon!

Keep on Keepin

Ash @ TheTableTopTrixta

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